2024 will certainly be one of the most interesting years in our history. On the Republican side, Donald Trump sailed to victory as he ran against a candidate maneuvered into the nomination by the Democrat powers that be. The positive side to the Trump second term is that there has been a four year break from the Trump first term. This means that President Trump has had four years to evaluate his first term and had a chance to get to know people especially those in the Washington establishment.
The Democrats appear to be unable to run campaigns without demonizing half the electorate. As most of us learned in grade school,
calling people names does not tend to build support. Of course, one of the reasons that the Democrats are able to get away with so many of the lies they spread is because our schools have been taken
over by in many instances, an anti-American, non historic curriculum. If you only get your information from your phone, you are captive to whatever is on the phone, right or wrong.
Much of the country was clearly in President Trump’s corner. California is unfortunately not there yet. Many voters focus on the presidential contest. However, there are so many issues
facing California that voters better start paying more attention to those issues.
California has been known as the Golden State. In 2024 it is not that golden. Many people solved that problem by moving to
another state. It is interesting that some of those voters are Democrats and will undoubtedly take their Democrat mind set to their new home. There seems to be a disconnect for some people
between their policies and their votes.
So, what does the Republican voter who is still in California do regarding the political situation in the state? For those who have
been in the political trenches for a while it is very apparent that the average citizen does not know much about their political life. Let us start at the local level. How many voters
know who their county supervisor or city council person is? These are the people who are making decisions directly affecting our lives. Some of these decisions directly affect our
Let’s take a look at school boards. Our future as a prosperous, safe country depends on the knowledge of our citizens. It is up
to school boards to ensure that knowledge of our country’s history, government and goals are taught in our schools. Being on a school board takes preparation, time and commitment.
Competent, dedicated and informed school board members have a direct effect on our communities.
Let’s discuss our state legislature. Let us remember that famous quote. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts
The numbers of Democrats in the state legislature are more than a majority number. Although more Republicans were elected in the
November election, Republicans are still greatly outnumbered. The new session of the legislature will have 19 Republicans in the Assembly and 11 Republicans in the Senate. The Democrats control
the legislature and can make the rules regarding how long a Republican member can speak and when debate ends. Currently, speeches are limited to one minute thirty seconds. The current
leader of the Assembly is Robert Reeves from Hollister. The leader of the Senate is Mike McGuire from Healdsburg.
Changing the landscape of the Legislature and many city councils requires Republicans getting involved in community activities and reaching
out to people they don’t always agree with on every topic. However, there are many issues where we all agree as Americans and as Californians. A recent example of this was Measure J on the
November ballot. There was agreement for a No vote from all different organizations within the county.
One of the most helpful things to do when you feel outnumbered is to be part of a group that gives you moral support. In these
difficult times, that is why Republicans need to find other Republicans where there is good discussion and acceptance. That does exist in Sonoma County where the Sonoma County Republican Party
consists of a strong group of volunteers who are working to build a solid group that adheres to the basic principles of the Republican party and works to make California great again.
The next four years are critical for the United States. There are many issues facing the new administration in the country and a
multitude of issues internationally. As Sonoma County residents we have much work to do here at home. This is the time to be involved.