Here are 5 of the 9 city council candidates for the November election.


Petaluma Elections

At-Large Mayor

D’Lynda Fisher                                   Petaluma City Council member

Kevin McDonnell                                Petaluma City Council member

Patrick Flower                                    Retired Process ReEngineer

Susan Kirks                                         Conservation Consultant


District 1

Janice Cader Thompson                      Community Volunteer

Dylan Lloyd                                             Information Technology    Consultant


District 2

Bobb Kosoff                                           Medical Professional

David Adams                                         Business Owner/Realtor

John Shribbs                                         Teacher/Scientist/  Conservationist


District 3

John Hanania                                       Small Business Owner

Karen Nau                                             Teacher/Parent

Robert Conklin                                    Truck Driver


Rohnert Park Elections

District 1        

Samantha Rodriguez                        Student/works in youth advocacy

David Soldavini                                  District Sales Manager for La   Tortilla Factory

District 2        

Jason Atallah                                      Cybersecurity-financial technology   sector

Tom Levin                                            Project Manager/Engineer the   public sector

Emily Sanborn                                   Account Manager/Straus Family  Creamery


District 5     

  Joe Callinan                                      Contractor/Owner of

Joseph T. Callinan                             Construction

Susan Hollingsworth Adams         Director of Operations at   Hollingsworth Insurance


Santa Rosa Elections

There are four seats for the Santa Rosa City Council that are up for election.  Eight candidates have announced their candidacy.


District 2  Open seat.                       John Sawyer has retired. 

 Mason Rossiter                                Junior College student.

 Mark Stapp                                       Senior Director for corporate and   foundation relations at                                                                               Sonoma    State   University

District 3      

Diana MacDonald                             Vice President of family Heating and   Cooling business.  Past                                                                         president of CA    PTA

District  4      

Incumbent Victoria Fleming           Clinical Social Worker

 Henry Huang                                      Business Owner

 Terry Sanders                                     Fire Fighter

 Shari Shamsavari                              Retired Educator


District  6  Open seat.                       Tom  Schwedhelm has retired.

Jeff Okrepkie                                        Commercial Insurance Agent   

  Veronica Jacobi                                 Mechanical Engineer and Energy    Management Consultant


City of Sonoma

Thomas Deegan, Ph.D                          Leadership Consultant

Patricia Farrow Rivas                          Sustainable Investment Consultant

John Gurney                                            Retired Police Chief

Michael Nugent                                     Business Owner/Financial Services   Industry

Ronald Wellander                                 Landscape Architect


Windsor Elections

District 1        

Gina Fortino Dickson                             Windsor Planning Commissioner

Michael Wall                                            Health Care Industry Consultant


District 2

​Maureen Merrill                                     Business Coach

Sam Salmon                                           Mayor


District 4        

Kevin Gonyo                                           Graphic Designer at Canine Companions

Tanya Potter                                          Santa Rosa Police Officer



Kevin Kilgore is the current Sebastopol Police Chief.  He has accepted a job with the Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety.  He starts the new job on August 22nd. 


The Cloverdale City Council has requested that the county include the part-time office of Treasurer on the November 8th ballot.  The council mistakenly failed to include the office in an earlier request to the Board of Supervisors.  The current Treasurer is Michael Nixon.  One council member is against Cloverdale having a Treasurer. 

The November 8th ballot will also include a measure to approve an ordinance prohibiting all fireworks in the city. 



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