Chairman's Message - February 2022

Election season is upon us. The Sonoma County Republican Party’s primary focus is to elect Republicans and we are dedicated to this cause. It is in this sprit that we are building an army of volunteers to get voters out to vote and monitor ballot collection and tabulation.

No matter what we each think about the new voting rules (all voters being mailed ballots or multiple days of voting or voting centers) we must participate to affect positive change.  The Sonoma County Republican Party is looking for individuals to volunteer to monitor voting centers and get voters out to vote. If you are interested in helping elect Republicans and being a part of political change in Sonoma County please email

The Sonoma County Republican Party is also looking for candidates. We are here to help. We have a successful candidate training program that goes through the nuts and bolts of campaigning. If you or someone you know is considering running for office please email me at

On Wednesday, February 16th the Sonoma County Republican Party will be holding our first central committee meeting of the year. We will be taking up endorsements in district and state races. The meeting will start at 7pm at the Finley Center, located at 2060 W College Ave. in Santa Rosa. All registered Republicans are welcome to attend.

Also at the Finley Center on Monday, February 28that 7pm we are hosting a Sonoma County Sheriff Candidate Forum. Admission is $20 and you may register here.  Patriot Club and Chairman’s Circle Members, please email me at to reserve your seat.

We are continuing to collect signatures to get school choice on the ballot. If you have not signed, please stop by our office during office hours (Wed. & Sat. 10am-2pm) or any of the events listed above and sign the petition. Students deserve a choice in a better quality of education!

The Sonoma County Republican Party is continuing our efforts to help keep our veterans warm.  Please stop in during our office hours or any of the events listed above and drop off new or very slightly worn hats, scarves, gloves, socks, blankets, rain jackets and sweaters. Our veterans deserve better! I would like to thank the many of you who have supported our veterans this winter.

Please join me Wednesdays at 4:30pm on KSRO Sonoma County’s FM News Talk Radio 103.5 FM 1350 AM where I provide a local conservative perspective to local and national news. Archived segments  may be found here.

Thank you for your continued support of the Sonoma County Republican Party and look forward to making 2022 the year good governance makes its return in Sonoma County.

In Liberty,

Matt Heath, Chair

Sonoma County GOP 


"If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.” – Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States of America

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PAID FOR BY THE SONOMA COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Email: Phone: (707) 542-7066. Copyright 2025 Sonoma County Republican Party. All rights reserved.