Chairman's Message - December 2023

 Happy Holidays from the Sonoma County Republican Party!

Please join us on Wednesday December 20th from 7 PM to 9 PM at the Finley Center (Room 5) in Santa Rosa for our Annual Holiday Party. This is a free event to celebrate the holiday season. Enjoy a festive evening of food, drink and conversation with fellow Sonoma County Conservatives. You will have an opportunity to meet our endorsed candidates running for office. The more the merrier so please bring your family and friends. We are continuing our potluck tradition so we encourage you to bring a dish to share. Using the initial of your last name, we recommend bringing the following: A-G Main Dishes, H-P Sides, Q-Z Desserts.


In preparation for the March 5th 2024 Primary Election, the Sonoma County Republican Party spent time getting to know state and federal candidates and understanding initiatives. During our meetings in September and November we endorsed the following candidates:

Eric Early - US Senate

Chris Coulombe - US Congress District 2

John Munn - US Congress District 4

Thom Bogue - State Senate District 3

Michael Greer – State Assembly District 2

Andy Podshadley - State Assembly District 12

*Meet Chris Coulombe, Thom Bogue and Michael Greer at our Holiday Party*

The Sonoma County Republican Party voted to OPPOSE Proposition 1 (Behavioral Health Services Program and Bond Measure) on the March 5th ballot. Proposition 1 will issue over $6 Billion in bonds to fund housing for homeless individuals and veterans with mental health or substance use disorders and will amend the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), which was adopted with the approval of Proposition 63 in 2004. Proposition 63 enacted an additional 1% tax on income above $1 million and dedicated the revenue to counties to fund mental health services and programs.

Although, the Sonoma County Republican Party recognizes that we have a serious homeless problem and mental health crisis in California (especially with our veterans), we also recognize that throwing more money at these major issues will not fix them. So far, this strategy has only worsened the problem. According to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office, California is expecting a $58 Billion deficit over the next few years and we have a worsening homeless problem.  For far too long, California has considered spending more money as the solution instead of creating more effective policy. Proposition 1 is just the same old status quo. It is for these reasons that the Sonoma County Republican Party urges a NO vote on Proposition 1 in March!

The Sonoma County Republican Party voted to OPPOSE the Sonoma County Fire Tax, a half cent countywide sales tax for enhanced fire protection, paramedic services and disaster response. The Sonoma County Republican Party stands with our first responders!

The minimum combined 2023 sales tax rate for Sonoma County, California is 8.5%. This new sales tax would be an increase of 0.5% making the minimum sales tax rate at 9%. Recently, Santa Rosa was ranked the 8thmost expensive place in the US to live. Young couples and families cannot afford to live in Sonoma County and are leaving. Our supervisors were elected to make tough decisions, so it is high time for them to prioritize our first responders in the county budget and stop passing the buck to the voters. It is for these reasons that the Sonoma County Republican Party urges a NO vote on the Sonoma County Fire Tax in March!

The March 5th Republican Primary Election is a closed primary; meaning only Republicans get to vote for our Republican Presidential Nominee. In honor of our republican principles of representation, the Sonoma County Republican Party will not be endorsing any candidate for President and will wait and see what the republican voters of California decide.

If you want to vote in the Republican presidential primary, you will need to be registered as a Republican. You can register online here, or you can pick up a paper registration form at our office located at 1421 Guerneville Rd Suite 105 in Santa Rosa. We are open Wednesday and Saturday from 10am to 2pm. You can also call our office at 707-542-7066.

As we approach our March 5th Primary Election, the Sonoma County Republican party will be busy contacting Republican voters and we will need your help! Whether you can help us make calls, hand deliver voter guides or contribute to help pay for texting and mail, we need your help. We can not contact every Republican voter without you!

Remember government is run by those who show up so please show up! The future of our republic depends on you! Future generations depend on you!

In Liberty,

Matt Heath, Chairman

Sonoma County Republican Party


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PAID FOR BY THE SONOMA COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Email: Phone: (707) 542-7066. Copyright 2025 Sonoma County Republican Party. All rights reserved.