Chairman's Message- November 2023

 “Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause,” President Abraham Lincoln. Please join the Sonoma County Republican Party in thanking and honoring our Vets this Veteran’s Day.

We are collecting warm clothing for our veterans in need. We are looking for donations of clean, new or lightly worn wool caps, beanies, blankets, gloves, scarves, socks, rain coats and waterproof jackets. Please drop off any donations at our office at 1421 Guerneville Rd. Suite 105 in Santa Rosa on Wednesdays or Saturdays from 10am to 2pm.

The 3rd Presidential Debate is this Wednesday, November 8th.  Join us and fellow conservatives at Round Table Pizza (2065 Occidental Rd. in Santa Rosa) to watch the debate starting at 5pm.

On Wednesday, November 15th, the Sonoma County Republican Party will host our 2nd Endorsement Meeting for the March 2024 Primary Election. We will consider endorsements for US Senate, US Congress, State Assembly, local measures and more. Please join us in the Cypress Room at the Finley Center (2060 W College Ave in Santa Rosa) and be a part of the discussion.

According the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) 2022-23 assessments, less than half of Sonoma County students meet or exceed English standards and less than one third meet or exceed math standards. This is unacceptable. Our education system is failing our children.

Every school district in Sonoma County will have seats up for election and many of you can run or know someone who can run for a seat. We need a higher quality of education for all of our students... our future depends on it. We need you! We are here to help you get elected and make a difference! Contact for more information.

SAVE THE DATE Our Annual Holiday Party is Wednesday December 20th at 7pm at the Finley Center. We are continuing our pot luck tradition so please bring a dish to share. More details to come out shortly. Please RSVP here


Thank you for your continued support of the Sonoma County Republican Party. We are funded locally from voters like yourself. We receive no funding from the Republican National Committee, California Republican Party, candidates nor elected officials. Consider a donation today.

Thanksgiving is a time of reflection for all our blessings. May you and your family enjoy a grand feast and loving company.  Happy Thanksgiving!

In Liberty,

Matt Heath, Chair

Sonoma County Republican Party 













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PAID FOR BY THE SONOMA COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Email: Phone: (707) 542-7066. Copyright 2025 Sonoma County Republican Party. All rights reserved.