Chairman's Message - September 2022

Happy Labor Day!  I hope you found a way to keep cool today.


What a great summer 2022 shaped up to be. We heard from Sonoma County Sheriff-Elect Eddie Engram at our Independence Day BBQ. The 2022 Sonoma County Republican Convention was a huge success with Senator Brian Dahle for Governor and the Sonoma County Republican Fair Booth was a blast with our jumbo booth! Thank you to everyone who joined us over the summer.  It was encouraging to see so many Sonoma County Republicans come and be a part of it.


At our August central committee meeting, the Sonoma County Republican Party took positions on all of the state propositions, local measures and local candidates that will be on the ballot on November 8th. All of this information will be posted on our website; so stayed tuned. 


Our next central committee meeting will be at the Finley Center on Wednesday, September 21 at 7pm. Sonoma County Registrar of Voters Deva Marie Proto will be our guest speaker.  I look forward to hearing from her about our county’s election process.


With Election Day fast approaching, the Sonoma County Republican Party is gearing up to make sure Republicans get out and vote!  We will need volunteers to help make phone calls, walk your neighborhood as well as help with our election integrity efforts. 


If you are like me and tired of seeing the red wave crash before hitting California, I ask you to join the Sonoma County Republican Party by volunteering this election and help us make sure every Sonoma County Republican votes in November! 


Please sign up to help win in November by emailing


In Liberty,

Matt Heath, Chair

Sonoma County GOP


“I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.” - Frederick Douglass


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PAID FOR BY THE SONOMA COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Email: Phone: (707) 542-7066. Copyright 2025 Sonoma County Republican Party. All rights reserved.