Chairman's Message - July 2020

As we celebrate the Fourth of July and our Independence Day, we remember the people who gave their lives so that we are a free people able to express our views in a rational and safe manner.  That is something that free Americans should always remember.

The Sonoma County Republican Party is having a Fourth of July Gathering on Sunday, the Fifth of July.  We will be gathering in the back parking lot of our office on Guerneville Road.  The menu will be burgers and chips and the cost is $5.00.  Our candidates will be with us and will be available to answer any questions you may have.  The three candidates who will be with us are Scott Giblin, running for the 5th Congressional District: Matt Nelson, running for the 4th  California Assembly District and Carlos Santa Maria, running for the 3rd California Senatorial District.  This will be a great chance to talk to these men who have come forward to run for office.  We will also have Newsom recall petitions and various Republican material available. 

One of the major problems in California is the state legislature.  It is basically a one party legislature and the laws that are passed do not advance the best interests of most Californians.  Normally, about 2500 laws are introduced in the legislature each January. This year, because of the pandemic, only 500 were introduced.  However, less legislation does not mean good legislation.  Listed below are some of the common “gimmicks” used by the legislature.

GUT AND AMEND: this is common during the end of the legislative session.  The author of a bill will use amendments to a bill to remove the current contents in their entirety and replace them with different provisions.  Suddenly a bill on waste water removal becomes a bill on a gun buy back program.

SPOT BILL:  At the beginning of the session an author will introduce a bill with a simple, vague title and no language to hold place for a bill in the future.  This ensures that the bill will pass early deadlines without any meat to it so that the author can fill it later with content.

W.O.R.F.:  This is an acronym for the term “without reference to file.”  Since the rules of both houses require bills to be listed on the day’s agenda, a measure that is not listed in the official agenda would have to be taken up “without reference to file.”  The Assembly or Senate may suspend the rules to take up a “WORF” item.  This happens with controversial items that authors want to sneak through with little to no notice.

SUSPENSE FILE:  This is supposed to be just a “holding place” for fiscal bills to be taken up at a later date by the Appropriations committee but it has become a vessel for bills to circumvent deadlines and allows the Appropriations Committee to pass out unpopular or controversial bills quickly and quietly.  This is also a place where the Appropriations committee can kill bills without having to record an official vote.

Come join us on the 5th and meet your fellow Republicans.  Believe it or not you are not alone. The Sonoma County GOP has plans to make a difference in our state.  Watch our web site and your e-mail to know what is going on.  Join us.


In Freedom,

Edelweiss Geary


Sonoma County Republican Party

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